SEVERE: Context [/mybrokenportlet] startup failed due to previous errors
Liferay 5.2
Oh yeah, so I had this one come back and give me the proverbial love bite in the derrière.
Checked all the jars: Good.
Checked all the configuration names matched the .war file name: Good.
What's left?
The scenario:
I was making a copy of an existing portlet project in order to keep the existing version which was in use in a production server and modify the copy to form a new portlet with similar functionality.
So I just took the old portlet "myoldportlet-portlet" (Names being fictionalized here to protect the innocent) and went through all the java files, all the config files, the pom.xml and updated the names using the good ol' find/replace feature.
...being oh, so careful to keep track of uppercase/lowercase.
(Pay attention, boys and girls. This is foreshadowing.)
And guess what happened when I went to deploy my new cloned portlet?
portlet was unregistered due to previous errors.
Long story short, I converted this entry in my faces-config.xml
Yeah. Go figure Tomcat choked on it.
Case sensitivity is nothing to play with.